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Hello AI Enthusiasts,

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Now imagine missing out on a digest that's chock-full of exclusive AI tools, hot AI news, and even creative writing prompts with AI. Not your everyday read, is it? So, don’t miss out. Not just on a newsletter, but an exciting journey of discovery, learning, and personal growth.

So take the leap. Embrace curiosity. Don't be a spectator. Be a part of this exhilarating ride. You're one click away from joining our family. Let's change the world, one AI-story at a time.

Created by Midjourney

Today’s Menu

🔧 5 Cutting-Edge AI Tools

🧠 Stay Ahead of the Curve with the Latest in AI

💭 Embrace AI's Creative Power with ChatGPT Prompts

🔑 Unlock the Power of AI: Optimize Your Use of ChatGPT

AI in Action!

Spark +AI: This clever AI-powered assistant will rephrase, proofread, and even adjust the tone of your emails, ensuring they're as smooth as butter. Get ready to send emails that sparkle with personality, all with the help of Spark +AI (link)

CodiumAI: This team is on a mission to redefine Code Integrity, and we're starting by giving busy devs a magical tool. CodiumAI pops up with its interactive test suite generator, saving you from the clutches of tedious testing. Right now, they’ve got your back with Python, but hold on tight because JS and TS support are on their way. (link) Wave goodbye to hours of painstaking design work because AI-generated landing pages will have you saying, "Did I just become a web design expert?!" (link)

Unschooler: Have conversations with videos because who needs one-sided lectures when you can talk back, add info, and impress your virtual teachers? Not only that, but you can submit assignments and receive feedback from your very own AI mentor. (link)

Kundli GPT: This chatbot is designed to provide you with personalized astrological readings and answers to your questions based on your kundli. If you're curious about your career and professional life, this chatbot can provide insights into potential opportunities and challenges based on the planetary positions in your kundli. If you're wondering about your marriage and family life, this chatbot can offer predictions and advice on how to navigate potential obstacles or enhance positive influences. (link)

In the AI World…

😨 Beware of Scammers!

It's a sad reality that scammers are always finding new ways to cheat people out of their hard-earned money. Recently, a man from Kerala was cheated of Rs 40,000 through an AI-based video call. The fraudsters used deepfake technology to create a fake video call from the victim's bank, tricking him into sharing his banking details. It's a reminder that we all need to be extra cautious when it comes to sharing personal information online. By staying alert and verifying the authenticity of any requests for sensitive information, we can help protect ourselves from these cunning cybercriminals

👀 Google AI's Battle against Deepfakes!

In the ongoing battle against deepfake technology, Google AI has come to the rescue with a groundbreaking new tool. This innovative tool is designed to detect deepfakes, those deceptive videos created using artificial intelligence. By analyzing various visual and audio cues, Google's AI can now identify manipulated content with impressive accuracy. This development is a significant step forward in the fight against misinformation and online fraud. With this powerful tool in their arsenal, tech companies and individuals alike can better protect themselves from the harmful effects of deepfakes. It's a remarkable achievement that brings us one step closer to a safer and more trustworthy digital world.

What’s Hot…

🌐 Surf Smarter, Not Harder

Samsung is taking browsing to the next level with the integration of AI technology. The tech giant is working on a new internet browser app that will incorporate AI-driven browsing and ChatGPT integration. This means that users will be able to enjoy a more personalized browsing experience, with AI technology providing tailored recommendations based on their interests and preferences. Additionally, ChatGPT integration will allow users to engage in seamless conversations with the AI, making browsing more interactive and engaging. It's an exciting development that promises to revolutionize the way we use the internet, making it more intuitive and user-friendly than ever before.

Prompt of the Day

The Bug Buster's Handbook: A Web Developer's Step-by-Step Guide to Efficient Bug Triage and Resolution

Create a step-by-step guide for a web developer on how to effectively triage and respond to bug reports, ensuring efficient issue resolution."

A page from the ChatGPT playbook

Listen up, Documentation might not sound as exciting as jetpacks or talking robots, but trust me, it's the unsung hero of prompt engineering! Documentation is like a trusty map, guiding prompt engineers and stakeholders on the epic quest for AI greatness. It keeps everyone on the same page, taming the chaos, and banishing confusion and inconsistency to the dreaded land of "What were we thinking?!" So, fellow prompt warriors, let's wield our pens and keyboards, and document like there's no tomorrow—because a well-documented journey is a smooth and efficient one.

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